This vignette provides an overview and usage examples of the
R package, which is a wrapper for the
Hypothesis API. The package allows you to interact with the Hypothesis
annotation platform programmatically.
Before using the {hypothesis}
package, you need to
obtain an API key from the Hypothesis platform. You can generate an API
key by following the instructions:
Generete your API token
To set your API key as an environment variable, you can use the Sys.setenv() function:
or set the it in the .Renviron
e.g. usethis::edit_r_environ()
By default the package is using
, you can modify the host to point
to custom Hypothesis instance by specify
environment variable.
The {hypothesis}
package provides several functions for
interacting with the Hypothesis API. Here, we will demonstrate the usage
of some key functions:
This function allows you to search for annotations based on various criteria. Here’s an example of how to use it:
# Search for annotations with the keyword "R programming"
# Check default parameters in function docs
results <- search_annotations(any = "R programming")
# Print the first 10 annotations
head(results, 10)
The annotation()
function allows you to perform actions
on individual annotations. Here are some examples:
# To interact with annotation you need to specify correct annotation id.
# Fetch annotation details
annotation_details <- annotation("annotation_id")
# Update an annotation's text
updated_annotation <- annotation("annotation_id", action = "update", text = "Updated text")
# Flag an annotation
flagged_annotation <- annotation("annotation_id", action = "flag")
The get_groups()
function retrieves a list of groups
from the Hypothesis platform. Here’s an example:
The group()
function allows you to fetch group details
or update group information. Here are some examples:
# Fetch group details
group_details <- group("group_id")
# Update group information
updated_group <- group("group_id", action = "update", name = "Updated Group Name")
The get_profile()
function fetches the profile
information of the currently-authenticated user. Here’s an example:
This vignette provided an introduction to the hypothesis R package and demonstrated its usage with the Hypothesis API. You can explore the package further by referring to the package documentation and the official Hypothesis API documentation.