cohortBuilder - Data Source Agnostic Filtering Tools
Common API for filtering data stored in different data models. Provides multiple filter types and reproducible R code. Works standalone or with 'shinyCohortBuilder' as the GUI for interactive Shiny apps.
Last updated 2 days ago
8.01 score 8 stars 1 dependents 55 scripts 211 downloadsqueryBuilder - Programmatic Way to Construct Complex Filtering Queries
Syntax for defining complex filtering expressions in a programmatic way. A filtering query, built as a nested list configuration, can be easily stored in other formats like 'YAML' or 'JSON'. What's more, it's possible to convert such configuration to a valid expression that can be applied to popular 'dplyr' package operations.
Last updated 6 months ago
3.18 score 1 dependents 8 scripts 232 downloadsshinyGizmo - Custom Components for Shiny Applications
Provides useful UI components and input widgets for 'Shiny' applications. The offered components allow to apply non-standard operations and view to your 'Shiny' application, but also help to overcome common performance issues.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.83 score 3 stars 1 dependents 15 scripts 261 downloadshypothesis - Wrapper for 'hypothes.is'
Add, share and manage annotations for 'Shiny' applications and R Markdown documents via 'hypothes.is'.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.70 score 7 scripts 239 downloads